Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Pro Gun Response to Stupid Gun People...

Let me preface this with a statement -

I am a competitive marksman, avid re-loader, and a hunter volunteering as range-safety officer for at least one hunters' safety course per year.

 I am pro gun, pro any type of gun ownership, and completely opposed to registration of any type for any type of firearm.

None of that, for a moment, should make anyone think we're friends just because they 'like to play with guns' and in fact, if I could, I'd be reddening asses coast-to-coast for being so stupid and bringing so much negative attention to shooting sports and gun owners...

Without further adieu, here are two of the stupidest gun tricks on the internet this week and two other accidents we all can learn from.

Opening a beer with a shotgun (video).

This kid has no idea the forces he's dealing with.

Splitting wood with a rifle (video).

This guy is bound to get hurt if he hasn't been already.

I will save the armchair expertise on this one, but it's a great example of the unexpected (in this case a boar charging the hunter) and how easily a gun can accidentally go off in an unplanned direction. Keep a mind that from the gun's point of view, panicking during a boar attack is very similar to slipping on a wet rock.

The final video is more of a comment than anything else. This video is making the rounds as a misfire and is compounded by the rumors (and lawsuits) surrounding the Remington 700. Although the gun goes off 'unintentionally', the video doesn't seem to support the claims many are making that Remington 700's go of without touching the trigger (watch closely).

Kevin De Leon "Ghost Gun" with "30 Magazine Clip" video

Full Video

Monday, January 20, 2014

Smith & Wesson's New .460 Cal Revolver (video)


"Plinking" with the .460

To see Smith & Wesson's current .460 lineup, click HERE Just for fun, here's a 'comparison' of the 45 Long Colt vs the .460 set to "Don't Stop Believing" (?)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Anti Gun Mayor Going to Prison for Firing Gun During Failed Attempt to Seduce / Intoxicate Underage Male

Only 20 months seems light for a guy who has probably pushed for very harsh sentences for those convicted of non-violent (possession) weapons crimes.

Via the Inquisitr (last April): "A member of the Michael Bloomberg-sponsored gun control organization "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" has been arrested and charged in connection with a handgun incident at his home. James Schiliro, a.k.a. Jay Schiliro, the mayor of Marcus Hook, a small town in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, faces charges of official oppression, reckless endangerment, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and furnishing a minor with alcohol. He surrendered to authorities on Thursday morning, and his attorney declared that "we intend to fight these charges." Schiliro, 38, allegedly ordered a local police officer to bring a 20-year-old male friend to his home, where the mayor plied him with alcohol, and made sexual advances which the man refused. Schiliro allegedly brandished several handguns and fired one of them into the floor in an apparent attempt to intimidate the young man, who reportedly was in fear of his life. The mayor was freed on $50,000 bail and told to stay away from the alleged victim and give up his stash of firearms."

This is Lauren Tannehill, This is her gun (Video)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shooting at a Charging Boar? (Can you tell what gun he fires?)

What gun did this guy use in this amazing video of a wild boar charging him (and getting him good!) before he can get some shots off? The shaky video makes it tough to ID the gun. Can anyone tell by looking down the barrel whether this is a Savage Over Under Combo?

The second video might have a higher resolution:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mikhail Kalashnikov's Recent Death and BBC Report of Repentance

Original Story (in Russian) here:

"The pain in my soul is unbearable. I keep asking myself the same unsolvable question: If my assault rifle took people's lives, it means that I, Mikhail Kalashnikov, son of a farmer and Orthodox Christian, am responsible for people's deaths"


"Stand Your Ground?" - Florida's "10-20-LIFE" Laws and Greg Evers Proposed SB-448

Florida's "stand your ground" laws have received massive national attention recently leaving some armchair pundits with the feeling that Florida is easy on gun crime.

Most folks don't know of Florida's "10-20-LIFE" law that requires a minimum sentence of 10 years if a firearm is used or displayed during a crime, 20 years if the gun is fired, and a 20 years to life sentence if someone is injured in the shooting...

Although the NRA supported this law in 1998 when it was passed, concern over potential abuse, the ability to apply the law to those who use a firearm in self-defense, Marion Hammer has been quoted as saying, "We never would have supported a bill that would allow prosecutors to prosecute someone acting in self-defense."

Video - Scrub to 16:16 for "warning shot" Q&A

You can contact Greg Evers here:

You may also remember Greg from his "Docs and Glocks" stance (video):

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Buying Guns on Reddit (aka "Internet") and Internet Response

Gun Industry 'Morals Over Money' - Interview with Tommy Alexander and Mike Davis of Desert Tech

Quote from Desert Tech founder Nick Young, “I started this company to protect Americans ~ not endanger them... ~ In consulting with other arms companies the general responses I got was, if they don’t buy it from you, then they will get it somewhere else, or money is money. After much internal review we elected not to sell to Pakistan.”